Friday March 17
7:30 PM
Saturday March 18
4 PM
Sunday March 19

Bhalobasha Bhengechure
ভালোবাসা, ভেঙ্গেচুরে - একটি কাব্যনাট্য
Scripted by Dibyendu Paul, Subarna Chatterjee
Acted by Subarna Chatterjee, Surajit Dasgupta
Directed by Dibyendu Paul
Based on Verses by Tasleema Nasreen, Srija Ghosh, Srijato, and Kabir Suman
Language - Bengali
It is Nipa's marriage anniversary. Her husband is scheduled to return from a work tour any moment now - arrangements have been made for a grand celebrations with friends. But Nipa is pensive, distracted and cannot focus on the chores at hand. A chance encounter the day before has pulled her back into another era - a time past when she was madly in love with someone else and perhaps still is. The play takes the audience through Nipa's struggles and heartbreaks as she seeks her true love.
Previous Shows
CAB Sharodiya Natyamela, November 2020
Boston Krossroads Show, March 2022
21st Dipika Dasgupta Memorial Natyotsav presented by the Houston Durgabari Society, May 2022
Written by Debra A. Cole
Directed by Arindam Ghosh
Language - English
The Panda family runs a bed and breakfast, and they only allow panda bears to stay at their establishment. When a family of grizzly bears checks in, Mama and Papa Panda make all sorts of assumptions about them. The play takes us through a series of events through which the Pandas realize that it is not appropriate to judge anyone by the color of their skin…or, fur.
Previous Shows
Color of Youth Festival - a children theater festival organized by the Michigan Literary and Theatrical Society, March 2021
8th South Asian DIGITAL Theater Festival by SPOTLIGHT Columbus, December 2022
Five Grains of Rice
Script, Design, and Direction - Arindam Ghosh
Sound Projection – Nandini Sen
Cast - Shampa Basu, Aditi Bhattacharya, Rakhi Bhatia, Arindam Ghosh
Story Idea and Additional Writings - Shampa Basu
Acknowledgement - Nicholas Horner
Language - English
Jayant and Ela are young professionals settled in an Indian metropolis. Jayant is a reputed scientist and Ela works at an NGO. Although professionally poles apart, they share an equal partnership in life and are happily married. Out of the blue, Damini, Jayant’s girlfriend from college, shows up on an evening for a friendly catch up. As the evening progresses and the three engage in reminiscence with good food and wine, Damini makes a weird offer. An offer that is too bizarre to be true, but if true, could alter their lives forever. Will their marriage survive this weird and bizarre intrusion?
Previous Shows
6th Annual Theatre Festival by Mandi Theater May 22nd 2022
8th South Asian Theater Festival (SATF) 2022 organized by Spotlight Columbus OH, September 11, 2022
Bengali Cultural Society, Cleveland, OH , November 5, 2022
Colure 2022 by Chicago Natyogoshthi, November 13, 2022
Guest Performaces
On Friday you will experience a scene from Lumina’s Fall 2020 production Love’s Labor’s Lassoed, adapted from William Shakespeare’s Love’s Labor’s Lost by Sophie Cameron and Meg Lebow. Lumina Studio Theatre provides unique opportunities for young actors with any level of experience who seek to perform Shakespeare, plays of classical repertory theatre, and modern plays focusing on the beauty of language. Learn more at https://www.luminastudio.org/
On Saturday you will get a glimpse of an interpretive oral public presentation ‘Nepantla Place’ from Live Garra Theatre. It is based on the perceptiveness of a woman Effie, who lives in the imaginary world that binds her between the reality of being homeless and the emotional and spiritual crossroads of her life. Live Garra strengthens social connections among people through theatre. Learn more at https://www.livegarratheatre.org/
On Sunday, Free Minds will bring to you a staged reading presented by Ms. Demetria Bey and Gene Downing about what it means to be distinguished as an ascending citizen. Free Minds is a book club and writing workshop that works with ascending citizens and youth writing new chapters in their life. Learn more at https://freemindsbookclub.org/